General Information
- Papers will only be accepted through the online abstract submission system on the congress website, and papers sent by mail or fax cannot be evaluated.
- Before sending a paper, it is necessary to register on the online system.
- Original research and case reports and also review will be accepted within the scope of the congress and papers will be submitted as poster and oral.
- One author can submit only 2 papers.
- Submitted Abstracts will be evaluated by the congress scientific committee; The appropriateness, acceptance and presentation of the papers at the congress will be decided by the Scientific Committee.
- Papers to be sent to the congress will be presented in English
- The deadline for paper submission is October 15, 2023 and no papers will be accepted to the Online Abstract Submission System after this date.
- The presentation time is 10 minutes, and it should be planned as 7 minutes of presentation and 3 minutes of discussion.
Abstract Rules
- Title: Maximum of 15 words
- Authors: Name and Surname of authors
- Title of authors
- Affiliation of authors
- Presenter’ s mail address
- Abstract: The abstract should be a minimum of 300 words and not umore than 400 words.
- Research abstract should include Background, Objective(S), Methods, Results and Conclusion.
- Case Reports should include Introduction, Case and Conclusion.
- Review abstract should include Background, Subtitles and Conslusion.
- Key Words: The keywords should be a minimum of 3 and not more than 5.
- References: The references should be a minimum of 5 and not more than 15. The American Psychological Association 7.0 (APA 7.0) Publication Guide should be used for text references and reference list.
Full Text Rules
- Papers should be written on A4 paper in Microsoft Word, considering margins with a space of 2.5 cm from the left, top, right and bottom. Papers must be maximum up to 10 pages long, including bibliography and tables.
- The paper text should be written in 12-point, with Times New Roman font, with a single line spacing and 1 line space between paragraphs.
- Research Papers: should include Introduction, Objective, Method, Findings and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations, References. Review Papers: should include chapters of abstract, titles related to the topic, and references.
- Main chapter titles should be capitalized and bold, and in secondary chapter titles and other subheadings, the first letter of each word should be capitalized and bold.
- Tables and figures must be itemized consecutively within the text.
- The American Psychological Association 7.0 (APA 7.0) Publication Guide should be used for text references and reference list.
Evaluation of Papers
- Papers will be evaluated by the Congress Scientific Committee, keeping the names, surnames and institutions of the researchers confidential.
- Acceptance, rejection of the papers and corrections from the authors when necessary the request will be made according to the evaluation of the Scientific Committee.
- Authors can choose to present their papers as oral or poster papers while uploading their papers to the system. However, the way of presentation may change according to the results of the evaluation by the Congress Scientific Committee.
- All correspondence regarding the papers entered into the system will be made with the author who uploaded the papers to the system.
- If you are using DigiAbstract Online Submission System for the first time, you need to create an account from the New User section.
- Please enter your registered email and password in the next section to send your abstract or to make changes on your previous report.
- If you have any problems with the asbstract submission system, please contact us via Help and Support Section.
Online Abstract System Terms of Use
Due to safety and legal obligations, your logs are recorded.
Arcadias Tech cannot be held responsible for the content sent by users. In case of detecting those who misuse the system, who share content not related to scientific content, who use the system maliciously, who declares incorrect user information; the right of Arcadias Tech is kept valid and all kinds of litigation are reserved.
If it is determined that your username and password are used by other institutions, organizations or individuals, Arcadias Tech’s right to file a lawsuit is reserved.
You agree to all these terms stated hereinabove as you start using the DigiAbstract Online Abstract System.
Arcadias Tech